Lesley Wilton

I have been teaching at OISE in the Master of Teaching (MT), the C&P and LHA programs at OISE since 2012. I am an Ontario Certified Teacher (OCT) and received my PhD in Education OISE, University of Toronto. I have been the Committee Chair of OISE’s Biggar Hedges MT Awards since 2017–see www.oise.utoronto.ca/mtawards. At OISE, the courses I teach include Educational Applications of Computer Mediated Communication, Constructivist Learning and the Design of Online Learning, Integrating Technology into the Classroom, Issues in Literacy and Cyberliteracy, Workplace and Adult Education. I have also been teaching in the BEd program at Ontario Tech University since 2015 (Digital Literacy Language, Digital Literacy Social Studies and Foundations). My former career in technology, as a certified Systems Engineer who specialized in Microsoft Network and Enterprise products, included roles as a Director and Manager for Microsoft Canada and Hill & Knowlton. 

I write and present on issues related to online learning, teaching with technology, TPACK, pre-service teaching, multiliteracies, social practices and new literacies. I recently authored a peer reviewed journal article published in Online Learning Journal (2019), Quiet Participation: Investigating non-posting activities in online learning, available at https://olj.onlinelearningconsortium.org/index.php/olj/article/view/1518/429. My ongoing research centers on pre-service online learning and discussion-based online learning. I also present on AI in Education and have recently started an online community of inquiry group for staying abreast of AI in Education issues.
