Innovation is the way out

Student: Vansh

School: William Lyon Mackenzie

INSPIRATION: What ideas, projects or movements have you seen that make you hopeful about the future of our cities?

VISION: In what ways should we design our cities differently in order to have a sustainable future?

“we need less “”sin taxes””
they have consistently been proven not to work, and only increase the wealth gap and eventually lead to an even larger carbon footprint

we need less sensationalism
a child saying “”how dare you”” or sharing videos of turtles might bring shock value, but it leads to uninformed decision making like the banning of disposable bags which has bosted the amount of paper and permamanent bags, further increasing carbon footprints”

ACTION: What can your generation do now to bring us closer to this future?

  • push for less regulation and more free, open markets — free market environmentalism
  • vote with our dollars, support sustainable businesses
  • stop sensationalizing and sharing things that give us a false sense of being eco-friendly and smart,, instead we need to actually take action
  • stop pointing at the government for solutions, government is slow and ineffective, take change into our own hands
  • INNOVATE!!! innovation is the way out of climate change, telling everyone to stop using all plastics and install solar panels and get electric cars is unrealistic. Humanity has always moved forward and made progress not because of government or taxation or sensationalism. We have done so only because of our unique ability to rapidly innovate, and nothing has changed.

Green spaces, buildings, and commutes

Student: Kevin

School: William Lyon Mackenzie

INSPIRATION: What ideas, projects or movements have you seen that make you hopeful about the future of our cities?

VISION: In what ways should we design our cities differently in order to have a sustainable future?

We should increase the amount of green space in the city and make it safer to bike or walk in the city. We should also encourage and increase the design and development of energy-efficient buildings. Finally, we should transition our buses to be fully electric.

ACTION: What can your generation do now to bring us closer to this future?

  • Walk or bike when possible
  • Demand more cycling and pedestrian infrastructure
  • Volunteer to plant more trees in the city
  • Advocate for more green space and parks
  • Make our homes and schools more energy efficient
  • Support purchasing fully-electric buses for the TTC

Renewable Energy Generation

Student: Eric

School: William Lyon Mackenzie

INSPIRATION: What ideas, projects or movements have you seen that make you hopeful about the future of our cities?

VISION: In what ways should we design our cities differently in order to have a sustainable future?

One of the largest problems related to climate change is creating and supplying electricity. In fact the best way to solve the problem is to stop relying on fossil fuels and instead use either nuclear, solar or hydrogen based methods.

ACTION: What can your generation do now to bring us closer to this future?

  1. Encourage more poeple to use solar panels.
  2. Have more strikes.
  3. Learn more about the field.
  4. Make solar panels and other electricity-generating methods more efficient.
  5. Vote for politicians focused on fixing climate change.

Green Collection

Student: Andrey

School: William Lyon Mackenzie

INSPIRATION: What ideas, projects or movements have you seen that make you hopeful about the future of our cities?

VISION: In what ways should we design our cities differently in order to have a sustainable future?

Focus more on connecting people with a faster and more cost effective transportation system.

ACTION: What can your generation do now to bring us closer to this future?

Fund raise for green tech for schools, raise awareness by sharing posts on the topic, learning more about green tech, talking to parents about investing in green tech, and suggesting it to our peers.