Teen Action?

Student: Agypt

School: Bayview

INSPIRATION: What ideas, projects or movements have you seen that make you hopeful about the future of our cities?

VISION: In what ways should we design our cities differently in order to have a sustainable future?

Cities consist of lots of energy use, a small change in everyday house hold products such as buying energy star approved products.

ACTION: What can your generation do now to bring us closer to this future?

In this generation, technology is a big part of marketing. I think advertising online instead of making print ads can help reduce paper use. Another option inspired by eco friendly supermarkets is takeout options. Since many students are going out for lunch , restaurants may offer more eco friendly services such as take out containers can charge an additional fee to serve their foods in reusable containers and place discounts to encourage customers to bring back the containers when ordering takeout again.

Preserving our world

Student: Briana

School: St. Robert

INSPIRATION: What ideas, projects or movements have you seen that make you hopeful about the future of our cities?

VISION: In what ways should we design our cities differently in order to have a sustainable future?

We should design our cities differently by considering the needs of the people and the earth. We should look into today’s biggest issues such as climate change. Through this critical thinking, we can come up with steps to work towards our goals. For example, creating sculptures from recycled material.

ACTION: What can your generation do now to bring us closer to this future?

  • Spread awareness
  • Conserve our earth’s natural resources
  • Identify issues and create a plan to solve it
  • Help each other
  • Educate yourself by attending conferences such as this one

Environmental change

Student: May

School: Bayview

INSPIRATION: What ideas, projects or movements have you seen that make you hopeful about the future of our cities?

VISION: In what ways should we design our cities differently in order to have a sustainable future?

We should encourage more uses of sustainable development and have houses with environmentally friendly operations.

ACTION: What can your generation do now to bring us closer to this future?

  1. Vote for people who share the same ideologies
  2. Promote and share information
  3. Research topics or ideas that could help
  4. Create a sustainable environment in your own home
  5. Speak out about the changes in climate and what we can do to help

Nature is the Best Medicine

Student: Mary

School: St. Robert

INSPIRATION: What ideas, projects or movements have you seen that make you hopeful about the future of our cities?

VISION: In what ways should we design our cities differently in order to have a sustainable future?

People being affected by mental illnesses caused by stress, anxiety, lack of meaning in life have been exponentially growing. Nature is a powerful source that helps de-stress and scientifically contributes to your physical well-being. In our cities and others, we notice that as more buildings exist, the less nature there is and the more stress. We should incorporate large scenery of nature everywhere people look.

ACTION: What can your generation do now to bring us closer to this future?

Use space wisely by incorporating nature into building plans, find ways to reduce building numbers, create communities in rural areas instead of continuing to fill up hugely populated cities. To improve mental health and have more time in nature, a law should be imposed for people to take time with nature during work and school. Since we are the next generation, we will not have to conform to the traditions of working for money, rather working for a common goal- to protect the Earth and the generation after.

Restoration GEN Z

Student: Sage

School: Dr. Norman Bethune

INSPIRATION: What ideas, projects or movements have you seen that make you hopeful about the future of our cities?

VISION: In what ways should we design our cities differently in order to have a sustainable future?

A sectioned off garden for sustainable local food

ACTION: What can your generation do now to bring us closer to this future?

Plant Trees, Reduce Carbon Production, Go Full Renewable Energy, Re Forestation, Find New Replacement for Plastic